Monday, 30 June 2014

Subordinating Conjunctions

Use these subordinating conjunctions to make 10 comparative statements related to these charts.

Auckland, Hamilton, Napier and Alexandra may have the highest temperature, where as Alexandra has the lowest temperature.

Napier has the highest temperature in December with 23º unless they get 25º they will be the hottest.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Class Interruptions

We are constantly being interrupted during class times. This is a problem.
Write about this problem undersub headings e.g. 
What kind of interruptions occur?  

People come from the sports office
The wellness center
Student office
Loud speaker 
Dentil Nurse
Phone Calls  
Internet down

How does this affect us?

We dont get our work done
We stop working
We dont stay on task

Come up with several possible solutions for this problem.
We get a sigh on our door saying "gone fishing"
Have one person that answers the phone.
We should have one person that collects all the notes so our class does not yell.
We could have a mail box

Monday, 23 June 2014

Social Experiment

I think the social is talking about anything you like and having a fun times with your friends and experiment means you try things with chemicals and things like that. I think this because the title says social and experiment. √

To find out what people do after they hear good or bad things about them. √

My hypothesis is that they wont like being put down to bad comments but they will like being completed by a random person √

Equipment you will need and method.
A speaker, people, place, Microphone.√

1. Find a place that you can put your radio.√
2. When people walk past say a bad comment or a good comment.√
3. do this for a hour or so.√

People react very badly to bad comments and people laugh to good comments. They stuck around to see what else they had to say. √

My conclusion was correct that the random people that they are giving them random comments. Some people might be mad at the person that was saying bad things.√

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Scam Letter

Summarise who this letter is from, who it is to, and what it is about.
The letter is from Emily Parks her email is The letter is to Maria Farnandez her email is The email is about someone that is getting scamed. What that is, it is something that people try to get money of you like they take $150 off 1,000,000 people that is how they get so much money for the lotto and things like that. Sometimes when you sigh up to websites the website could sell your email to scams so they can scam you.

What are 2 reasons you know that this letter is a scam.
In the subject it says please contact her for your money. Because they are 2 different emails that they want you to send money to so they get more money from people. There is a lot of spelling mistakes.

Give 3 pieces of evidence (excerpts of sentences) that prove that this letter is a scam.
There are lots of different emails. They are saying to send $250 to get back you money but you never get your money back. She says really weird things like the company would not let her put out the email.

Describe a scam or prank you have heard about or been subject to.
I have heard of one that you get a email about you computer and yo pay to get a upgrade on your computer.

Give 5 pieces of advice for people to avoid internet or email based scams.
Dont replay to there email. 
When you get the email dont open it unless you know them. 
Delete The email striate away.

Thursday, 19 June 2014


On Monday last week Me, Marieka and Megan we to Jrock . What we did is we have been working on 4 dances that are applying to bulling and then we mashed them together an then got a 5 minute dance. I dont know what we came but I think we did really well. We left school at 9am and we finished at 7:45pm. There was lots of things to do there ASB were there and were playing games and you could win things, you could win a drink bottle, stickers, hackie sac, slinky and a piggy bank. I won a drink bottle, 2 hackie sacs, a piggy bank and 3 sheets of stickers. We had to have hair done up and lots of makeup on, for the makeup we had to wear foundation, eyeliner, mascara, eyeshade and lipstick. All together we had a great time and we would like to do it next year too.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Because I was to shopping with my friends, we wanted to get some sushi.
Wether or not I was getting lollies, I was still gong to have fun.
Before I have my dinner, I have to have a shower.
As soon as we got to school, we had to get changed.  
Even though I had to go to dance, I still had to finish my science fair. 
We had to go to Auckland, after we go to Hamilton
I had a sore foot, unless i had a bandage it wouldn't get better.
I was listing to music when, I was running.
I was as tied as a fox, when I finished netball. 
We were going to the movies since we were being good.  

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

 Imagine this is you.Describe this scene. Describe 
- what you smell
- what you hear
- what you  see
- how you feel 

I can smell the world around me and I can smell the ice, snow and water. I can hear the birds, the water flowing and most importantly I can hear. I can see the blue blue sky and the wight wight snow. I see my hook in front of me and I can also see the freezing cold fog coming off the snow around me. I see the snow as it falls into place to stay. I can feel the freezing cold wind blowing past my face. 

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Invisible Soldier

Clarify : I think the video "invisible soldier" is about a soldier that has died from a war and wants to come back to the world and only one family can see the soldier. I think this because the title says invisible and that means that you can not be seen.

Q. How long has it been cense they spent 5 billon dollars on camouflage?
A. 8 years

Q. What do soldiers wear at the moment to hide?
A. Camouflage

Q. What is the camouflage made from?
A. A material pattern which can be used to camouflage soldiers in any terrain or environment.

Q. What is the new technology they are changing the camouflage to?
A. The invisible cloak.

A. Quantum stealth technology.

Q. How does the invisible cloak this work?
A. By bending the light around the person.

Q. How does the invisible cloak help the army?
A. Snipers.

Q. Would you need a power source?
A. No, you don’t need a power source.

Monday, 9 June 2014

How to Survive Cross Country

0 - 3 I think it was a 3 because we are good at working together.

Do I have a title slide? 3
Do I have subtitles for the steps? 2
How well does the voiceover timing match the photos? 3
How well do the photos match the script? 3
Are the photos well focused? 3
Is the audio clear? 2


A strength was we worked as one and got it done in the time we were given. We worked hard to make a the things that we needed for our how to video.

A problem we overcame was getting it done because some people were being silly.

Our best shot was our running shots and our worried shot because we worked together and we all tried doing the shots. They all look really good.

A piece of advice I would give to next year’s class making How to Videos is dont muck around when you are making your how to video or you will not get it done.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Mode, Median, Mean and Range Song

Mode, Median, Mean and Range
Mode, Median, Mean and Range

Don't you think these words sound strange?
Don't you think these words sound strange?

I will get your mind to change

Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most
Singing Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most
You got 1,2,2,3,3,3,4
1,2,2,3,3,3,4, which of those numbers did I say more?
which of those numbers did I say more? 3 is the mode cause it occurs the most
Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most
Singing Mode, Mode, Mu, Mu, Mu, Mode, Mode
Is the number that occurs occurs the most most
You got 1,2,2,3,3,3,4
1,2,2,3,3,3,4, which of those numbers did I say more?
which of those numbers did I say more? 3 is the mode cause it occurs the most
Now stop, lets take it to the middle. Got to find the median no time to daddle diddle
Line up all the numbers from the smallest to the big and the ones thats in the middle does a media jig
Go median, middle number, go median, middle number
Now the third ones mean, not nice but mean
Its the average number if you know what I mean
Just add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of added
Whats that, whats mean?
You add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of added
Yeah you know what I mean
You add up all the numbers and divide them by the number of added
It's the average number, mean, its the average number
1 more round and the song is done
Lets talk about range and have some fun
It's the biggest number minus the smallest number, in the group, in the group
It's the biggest number minus the smallest number , in the group, in the group

You got Mode, Median, Mean and Range
Mode, Median, Mean and Range

Don't you think these words sound strange?
Don't you think these words sound strange?

I just got your mind to change

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Glow Sticks

What I think now: When you snap a glow stick it will start to glow and become bright because of chemicals.

What I think now: That there is a tube in the glow stick with chemicals in it so when it snaps they come out and cause a chemicals reaction that what makes it glow

What I think now: It is a just yellow liquid and when you brake the glass tube the chemicals come out and mix together and form a glow

The chemicals in a glow stick is dye and diphenyl oxalate is in the plastic. and hydrogen peroxide is in the glass tube.

Synthesis is when you start something like i did here and when you research more you know more and more knowledge.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014


What is a sample?
A sample is something you take a bit from EG: There was 100 cookies you sample 10 cookies so that is 10% of the cookies.

Why take a sample?
You take a sample so you dont take everything so you still have most of the thing you are taking .

- what are some examples of sampling done irl?
In hospital they take a sample of blood they dont take all of the blood so you dont die.
- what does the word ‘population’ mean?
It means all of the people or things you are testing.

- how can you tell if are you sampling the right population?
It wont be too big or too small it will be just right and they are even girls and boys.